FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
How do I join?
** If you are signing up for the AE Ski Club for the first time on our redesigned website, your new website account will be created during the checkout process. ***
Please go to the Membership page and select the appropriate membership type to join the club.
Please send an email if you have membership questions.
How much does it cost?
Please go to the Membership page for the fee schedule based on your membership type and family status.
Our yearly memberships run from October to September each year. Therefore, your October 2021 enrollment will carry you through September 2022.
Memberships purchased after March 31st will be valid until September of the following year.
Please note that membership fees paid to the AE Ski Club are NOT tax deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.
Does the Club accept credit card payments?
Yes, credit cards can now be used to pay for membership and day bus trips, through PayPal. PayPal also allows other online payment options.
Once I join the club, when will I get my membership card(s) ?
Each family member receives a personalized membership card mailed to your home within two weeks of registering, or at the beginning of the season. Please plan accordingly.
My e-mail address changed. How do I update my email address?
Sign in and select My Account/My Account Profile to update your email address.
How do I request a replacement Membership ID card?
Sign in and go to the Membership page and purchase a “Replacement ID Card”.
How and When can I sign up for bus trips?
Reservations will be available 45 days prior to the departure date of the trip. Trips are paid for by PayPal or Venmo. See Day Bus Trips for the full list of trips available.
How do I sign up for week trips?
Week trips are typically announced at the End of Season party and open for registration mid/late Summer. Once the flyers are posted on the website, you can register for the trip by printing and completing the registration form, signing the waiver form, and submitting your deposit to the designated trip leader.
What if I don’t have a roommate for a week trip?
We often have ‘single’ members sign up for week trips. It’s a great way to make new friends!
When this happens, we do our best to match you with a compatible member of the same gender. We can also put you in touch with that member before the trip.
You might also have the option to pay extra as a ‘single supplement’ to have your own room (subject to availability).
Can I join the Ski Team if I’ve never raced before?
Any active AE Ski Club member can join the ski team no matter what your level of skiing or boarding is. The CSC racing program is a fun recreational league, we have all abilities and ages with women’s and men’s divisions.
I can’t be there every Monday night, can I still join the Race Team?
Absolutely! We race for 8 weeks, the results are calculated based on your top 6 races. The club will offer you a discount if you participate in at least 4 races per season.
How much does it cost to race every week?
The cost of racing is just the price of a night lift ticket which can also be used to ski Mount Southington before and after racing.